Our Family History with La Llorona

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In 2006 the husband and wife team of Alfredo and Arcelia had just about given up. Frustrated that they couldn't find the same types of delicious chile oils locally that they always enjoyed on their trips to Mexico, the couple decided to dust off some old family recipes and make their own.
Alfredo's family comes from the small village of Villa de Sultepec de Pedro Ascencio de Alquisiras. Located in the Cerro de las Codornices, this small mining community is one of the oldest towns in Mexico and only a few days walking distance from the fabled Desierto de los Leones which is believed to be the birthplace of La Llorona.
Arcelia's family is from Guadalajara, known to be the spiritual heart of Mariachi music, tequilla and birria. With this kind of authentic background, the results were sure to be delicious! Soon friends and family were stopping by at all hours to beg for a container and Salsas La Llorona was born.


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